Kia ora koutou waka ama whānau,
This is a call out for interest by clubbies wanting to participate within the cultural connections roopu that sits within our club committee. So a little bit of background: the cultural connections (CC) was formed about two years ago, after it became apparent of the lack of cultural guidance around waka ama pertaining to karakia, rāhui, waka naming and unveiling, correct use and spelling of kupu (words), tikanga around waka, pōwhiri for visiting paddlers both locally and internationally, as well as visiting clubs. The last two years has seen a huge improvement with CC sitting alongside the committee and contributing from a tikanga Māori perspective. Moving forward….CC is looking for any interested paddlers who would like to be part of CC and contribute to the kōrero of our club. Think about what it is you can contribute, you don`t need to have whakapapa to Tauranga Moana, it`s more about having an interest in upholding and maintaining the cultural integrity and māna of our club. Kia haumaru whānau, Ora, Karoha, Jacinda, Paora. Please email me: [email protected] Ph / text: 02102229324 Head to our 6-Week Beginner Group page on this website to find out more, and register. Spaces are strictly limited so get in quick to avoid missing out! |