Many thanks for the awesome response by club members to turn out and deliver the Yellow pages book this year.
Anyone hoping that Saturday would also turn out fine like the day before were sorely disappointed as the clouds rolled in and the wet stuff arrived. It didn’t matter, with the great delivery results achieved on Friday we were out to break the record and get home early, if a bit wet. Our 11500 books were delivered by 1130 am on Saturday – an all comers record. Awesome! It was great to see the team work created and the stick-ability of our clubbies shone throughout the day. Once again, many thanks for all your help with the deliveries, (some folk turning out on both days...). The funds will greatly assist with the growth of our club and will be allotted to another new project, which will be announced later in the year. Cheers from the TMOCC Yellow pages subcommittee. Te Reo Taiohi o Ngā Kaihoe o Aotearoa
Rangatahi Voice for Waka Ama NZ If you are interested in being a rangatahi voice for Waka Ama NZ and contributing to the future of waka ama then this is for you! For full information and to check eligibility criteria, please ensure you read the Te Reo Taiohi Terms of Reference available on the Waka Ama NZ website. ALL CLUB MEMBERS - SAVE the DATE - Friday 18th and Saturday 19th of June - Yellow Pages Deliveries19/5/2021
The club has been awarded the deliveries of the Yellow Pages for another year.
This is our 10th year delivering! The club runs two fundraisers a year - the Ōmokoroa Dash and the Yellow Pages. Our goal is to concentrate our efforts, minimise volunteer burn out and gain funds to support the running of the club, keep membership fees affordable and use for purchase of equipment / canoes. What is required: We require people to assist with delivering books throughout the Ōtūmoetai Area. Friday 18th June - Business Deliveries and some residential Saturday 19th June - Residential Deliveries Please click here to register as a helper If you are away that weekend please let us know, you may be able to help in other ways with food prep to support our delivery teams, supply of a trailer or back up deliveries in the weeks following the delivery weekend. We'll be in touch with you individually, but for now please save the date. The more hands the quicker the deliveries will go. Cheers TMOCC Committee Public Notification of Road WorksFrom 16th of May to 18th of May, there will be a planned Railway track maintenance works at Cross road, Sulphur Point level crossing from 06.00AM until 06.00PM each day. A Stop-Go closure will be installed on site for the road works. There will be work vehicles and crew where Remove Rosehill panels, fastening and fixing the Railway lines on 16/05 and resurface with Thin Asphalt Concrete will be done between 17/05 to 18/05. Access will be maintained to the affected driveways by STMS/TC on site– if you need urgent access, please approach, and enquire with staff – we will assist you when it is safe. There will also be parking restrictions in place on both sides of Cross road will be in place from 4:00PM on 15th May 2021 until the work ends. The road will be safely managed by NZTA-qualified traffic management contractors, who are also able to assist with parking of vehicles and managing access to your properties. We understand that Road Works can be at times frustrating, annoying, and seemingly excessive; please rest assured that we do our utmost to keep the contractor(s) safe alongside the general public and as a result are sometimes required to close areas off. If you have any concerns or complaints about this operation, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will assist wherever possible. Leo Jones Business Development Manager 027 6969048 [email protected] Road Safe Traffic Management Limited 124 Whakakake Street, Tauriko Tauranga 3112 Long Distance Nationals - Good luck to Panepane Golds and Salt and Pepper. Travel well, race well and we look forward to seeing videos of you paddling with dolphins!
Whāingaroa Hoe 2021 - This is a race at Raglan our club likes to take as many crews as possible to. Get organised and get your entries and canoe bookings in asap, but no later than 21st of April to give us time to process entries and invoices please. Thanks very much. We are taking one payment per team, and Whāingaroa Hoe are taking only ONE payment per club, so all entry fees must come through TMOCC for this event. See more on the full event details: There is a club shed roster up at the shed for groups to undertake shared rotation of our monthly clean ups. This includes mowing, weed eaters, spraying weeds (on chip seal) rubbish, and equipment stock take. Keep an eye out for your turn.
Annual General Meeting 2021
Tauranga Moana Outrigger Canoe Club Incorporated's Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday the 23rd of May 2021 at 2pm at the Tauranga Fish and Dive Club, Cross Road, Tauranga. Nominations are sought for the following officers:
Any resolutions sought at the Annual General Meeting must be submitted to the Club Secretary by Sunday the 2nd of May 2021, in accordance with Rule 10.1 d of the Constitution. Should a proxy form be required the member can request a proxy form to be sent out for completion and submission to the club secretary by Monday the 3rd of May 2021, in accordance with Rule 10.5 of the Constitution. We look forward to seeing you there. Please RSVP your attendance. Nga mihi Rebecca Ryder Secretary on behalf of the Tauranga Moana Outrigger Canoe Club Committee. -- Tauranga Moana Outrigger Canoe Club Thanks to those members who are vigilant in reporting repairs required to the waka. We have spent quite a bit of time since March 2020 repairing old and recent wear and tear to the waka. We currently have 2 waka out of action until the repairs are complete:
We have put carpet strips down at the shed for placing between stacking canoes to protect ama and kiato. Please make sure you use them when stowing the waka. The cleaning down has been awesome with 99% of the members soap washing our equipment and using salt away on our singles and doubles metal fastenings etc. Awesome work. This will minimise our replacement cycle and reduce risk of equipment failure on the water. Three teams completed the final Hauraki Summer Series on Saturday 10th of April 2021.
Our Novice crew mixed across our open team due to challenging conditions and took out 1st and 2nd place in the 8km races. Of the five W6 crews that started TMOCC were the only ones to finish. Our Salt and Pepper crew had a great race and came in 2nd in the 15km (reduced to 11km) and the Swell Chasers (already knackered from the Novice Race) managed to come in a tidy 3rd Place in the Open Mixed race. Darryl Hyne took out 1st Place in the Senior Master Mens W1 8km race. Well done, smashing it out there. Well done to all who participated and thanks to Mark Sutherland for towing the waka to the race, and for offering his house for refuge afterwards! |