Getting your W1/W2 certification means you can, get a key to the shed, take non-certified paddlers out on the W2, and train outside of normal club training times.
What you need to know
list from fb group
How the test works
this is roughly how the test works
This test is only for water safety, navigation rules and competence at controlling the waka.
We will go out in the w2, you are the captain, you need to treat me as if i was a new paddler (but you don't need to tell me anything about technique)
You need to describle aloud the steps you are going thru
1. I expect you to know the weather forecast
2. I expect you to know what the tide is doing
3. Discuss suitable course based on weather forecast / tide
4. show me how to get the canoe out of the shed onto tyres
5. check for and report any damage, hull and rudder.
6. explain safety equipment required, lifejackets (1 per person, suitably sized), leash, spare paddle, comms
7. show me how to carry the canoe
1. Advise me of any dangers, road traffic, slippery ramps, boats etc
2. Make sure rudder doesn't touch the ramps
3. Attach foot leash
1. To pass the test, I need to come off the water, feeling that you are confident in controlling the canoe
2. We will head out into the channel, and around towards the port (depending on conditions)
3. You need to identify any hazards aloud, and explain what course of action you would take.
Some hazards you could see are; rocks, swimmers, boats, jetskis, fishermen, marina entrance etc
Example: Power Boat approaching, keep them on my ama side.
4. At times I will ask you (roughly) what direction we are facing. N, S, E, W
5. You need to explain what the green and red markers mean (Hint: I have no red port left)
6. Explain right of way rules, who gives way, ship, power boat, jetski, sailboat, windsurfer, canoe
7. Identify where the tugs and pilot boat are location, and some of the indicators that a ship may be departing/arriving
8. Explain where the shipping channel is
9. Tell me how far away from the shipping docks you need to be (technically = 50m, practically = outside the extended cranes)
10. Tell me how far you need to stay away from a moving ship (500m from the front, 200m from all other sides)
If you are 100m in front of the ship (1 rugby field), you have about 20 seconds to get out of the way
11. explain and demonstrate, tipping and righting the waka
1. Show me how the waka and equipment needs to be cleaned (wash down canoe, take apart kiatos, etc)
2. Check for and report any damage, hull and rudder.
3. Tell me what the coastguard is responsible for, and how you would contact them (water rescue, VHF Channel 16, phone, or 111 for emergencies)
4. Tell me what the harbour master is responsible for (water traffic wardens, can issue tickets for no lifejackets), they are not police.
This test is only for water safety, navigation rules and competence at controlling the waka.
We will go out in the w2, you are the captain, you need to treat me as if i was a new paddler (but you don't need to tell me anything about technique)
You need to describle aloud the steps you are going thru
1. I expect you to know the weather forecast
2. I expect you to know what the tide is doing
3. Discuss suitable course based on weather forecast / tide
4. show me how to get the canoe out of the shed onto tyres
5. check for and report any damage, hull and rudder.
6. explain safety equipment required, lifejackets (1 per person, suitably sized), leash, spare paddle, comms
7. show me how to carry the canoe
1. Advise me of any dangers, road traffic, slippery ramps, boats etc
2. Make sure rudder doesn't touch the ramps
3. Attach foot leash
1. To pass the test, I need to come off the water, feeling that you are confident in controlling the canoe
2. We will head out into the channel, and around towards the port (depending on conditions)
3. You need to identify any hazards aloud, and explain what course of action you would take.
Some hazards you could see are; rocks, swimmers, boats, jetskis, fishermen, marina entrance etc
Example: Power Boat approaching, keep them on my ama side.
4. At times I will ask you (roughly) what direction we are facing. N, S, E, W
5. You need to explain what the green and red markers mean (Hint: I have no red port left)
6. Explain right of way rules, who gives way, ship, power boat, jetski, sailboat, windsurfer, canoe
7. Identify where the tugs and pilot boat are location, and some of the indicators that a ship may be departing/arriving
8. Explain where the shipping channel is
9. Tell me how far away from the shipping docks you need to be (technically = 50m, practically = outside the extended cranes)
10. Tell me how far you need to stay away from a moving ship (500m from the front, 200m from all other sides)
If you are 100m in front of the ship (1 rugby field), you have about 20 seconds to get out of the way
11. explain and demonstrate, tipping and righting the waka
1. Show me how the waka and equipment needs to be cleaned (wash down canoe, take apart kiatos, etc)
2. Check for and report any damage, hull and rudder.
3. Tell me what the coastguard is responsible for, and how you would contact them (water rescue, VHF Channel 16, phone, or 111 for emergencies)
4. Tell me what the harbour master is responsible for (water traffic wardens, can issue tickets for no lifejackets), they are not police.